Tattoo Booking Policies
A deposit will be required for you to book your appointment and for the artist to prepare your design. Your deposit will be be applied to the final cost of your tattoo!
Deposits can be sent via e-transfer to support@prairiefiretattoo.ca.
*Important* Deposits are Non-Refundable! Deposits are also good for 3 years from your last appointment date.
Cancellation / Reschedule Policy
We require that you provide your artist at least 36 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, otherwise you will forfeit your deposit.
We are happy to accommodate a single reschedule request with 36 hours notice. Further rescheduling will mean a loss of your deposit and a new deposit will be required.
Drawings for custom tattoo work are only available on the day of your appointment. Every artist has a queue of drawings that need to be prepared for their clients, and they prioritize those drawings in the order that they need to be tattooed.
Every appointment is booked with enough time for the artist to make minor adjustments, if needed. Major changes may require a rebooking, at discretion of the artist. If the drawing is exactly what you asked for and you change your mind, you may lose your deposit.
If you absolutely want to see the drawing in advance, the artist has the *option* to provide the drawing in advance, with a $50 - $100 fee (depending on size/complexity of drawing).